The 7 Step Guide To Making Your Film For FREE...

"Hollywood Hates This Book" takes you by the hand and shows you how to be your own film studio; capable of creating an incredible film that doesn't just beat Hollywood movies, but embarrasses them! That's why Hollywood HATES this book, and that's why you'll LOVE it... Written by The Atomic Filmmaker

Who is the Book Designed for?

"Hollywood Hates This Book" is the ultimate guide for independent filmmakers who want to make a feature film. The content however is beneficial and appropriate to any form of film production; from creative work, to business films and promos.

With this book, you will learn everything you need to make your amazing film, regardless of your background, assets or budget. The book is THE definitive filmmaking guide for both beginners and experienced movie makers.

Part of the beauty of the book is that it works for filmmakers of all levels and forms of indie filmmaking. The content works for filmmakers with less than $500, or more than a million! It's designed so a new filmmaker has all of the tools and information they need, to embark upon their filmmaking adventure. Some content will be a welcome refresher for experienced filmmakers, but there's plenty of new lessons and cutting edge material for filmmakers of all levels.

What Topics does the Book Cover?

This book is a one-stop feature filmmaking resource. The indie movie making process is covered in great depth, from first coming up with an idea and writing it, to budgeting and preparing your shoot, through to shooting, editing and distributing your film. The entire process is explored and explained, in chronological order.

The book dives into technical aspects such as cameras, lenses, lighting .etc - but also covers theoretical musts, such as gaining audience momentum and writing an excellent screenplay that maximises your budget and resources. Every key element of every part of filmmaking is painstakingly covered within these pages.

Who is the Author?

Andy Wilton is known as the Atomic Filmmaker, as he established, practises and teaches a form of filmmaking known as "Atomic Filmmaking". What is "Atomic Filmmaking"? Well, it's all about taking what resources you have, which might be very small and humble, and making them into huge, explosive results. This book beautifully teaches how to do this, amongst so many other lessons.

Andy has directed over 1000 commercial videos for businesses, including Nike, ASDA, Orange, Mitre and the Princes Trust. In addition, he has many short films, music videos and a feature film (Behind the Scenes of TOTAL HELL) to his name.

Most of Andy's time outside of making films is spent giving talks and training on filmmaking, and running the "Production Posse", a membership site for filmmakers. As the founder of the "Production Posse", Andy spends time talking to and interviewing leading Hollywood filmmakers.

Andy's extensive experience as a professional creative and corporate filmmaker, speaker, trainer and Hollywood professional interviewer, makes him the ideal candidate to launch the definitive indie filmmaking book. You can find out more about Andy here.

"I wrote this book to be a definitive guide to the modern independent filmmaker. It tells you everything you need to know to make an amazing film, and more." Andy Wilton: The Atomic Filmmaker

About the Book

What is
"Hollywood Hates This Book"?

About The Book

Atomic Filmmaker

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Atomic Filmmaker?

Atomic Filmmaker


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