The 15 Secrets of Atomic Filmmaking!

Hi Film Folk,

This week, I’m not just giving you a blog with some tips/thoughts or news, this week I’m offering you a FREE filmmaking eBook.

WOW, it’s almost like it was Christmas already!! 😀

A lot of you film folk have been asking when “Hollywood Hates This Book: The 7 Step Guide To Making Your Film For FREE” will be released… Well, I still don’t have a definitive answer for you, but it is finished and it won’t be long until you can get a copy. Honest, and it’s becoming a better product with all the development we’re doing with it…

In the meantime, I wanted to offer you this eBook, for FREE. It’s not a lengthy detailed read like “Hollywood Hates This Book”, this eBook is a brief source of “15 secrets of Atomic Filmmaking.”

This eBook introduces you to some of the core principle of Atomic Filmmaking, before offering you 15 secrets…

They’re 15 things I think that all indie filmmakers should know before starting to make their film. I think you’ll find it really useful!

You can download your FREE copy from this link.

Feel free to share this eBook link with your fellow filmmaker friends:

As always, I’m very keen to hear from you with any thoughts or feedback.

Thanks for reading,
Hollywood Hates This Book Email Signature on Black

I can’t promise that this eBook will be availble for FREE forever, so download your copy while it is!