Industry Creatives Testimonial Update – Chris Gill
It’s all very well writing the definitive indie filmmaking book – but WHERE IS IT???
“Hollywood Hates This Book – The 7 Step Guide To Making Your Film For Free”
It’s taking AGES to get this book launched to you lovely people, but we are getting there…
As you’ll probably already know, it’s a one-stop book for indie filmmakers, particularly those interested in making feature films, and it’s finished. I cover every step of the process from writing, pre-producing, producing, editing, mastering and distributing.
Each of those steps is delved into with depth and detail, covering basics and more advanced areas. The great thing is that the book is suitable for experienced filmmakers and newbies alike. It’s suitable for those looking to work with large budgets and those with none at all.
So, where is it???
Well, it’s written, the website is up and the cover is finished. I’m proud to have industry testimonials from creatives behind films such as: The Usual Suspects, X-Men Apocalypse, El Mariachi, Desperado, Requiem for a Dream, Pi, Clerks, Dog Soliders, Iron Sky and 28 Days Later.
Now, I’m simply getting together a smart launch. This means having the book physically printed and sold globally via Amazon, as well as distributed in eBook format. This takes time to plan, organise and fund. I’m not rushing it, this book matters and I want to get it right.
To get the launch as successful as possible, I’m taking my time on getting it spot on. We may even look to push the launch via a Kickstarter. This will help us to launch bigger, and also allow us to offer filmmakers a whole range of perks that we couldn’t otherwise pass on. If we go down this route, it’ll include signed books, DVDs relating to the book, printed credits and lots of other opportunities.
I’m in New York next week on several business projects, and I’ll be moving this book forward while there too.
So, while I still have time to develop the book, I’d like to ask you guys a question…
What would you want to see in the ultimate filmmaking “how-to” book?
What topics, what case-studies, what content? If we do go down the crowdfunding route, what would you like to have on offer?
As always, you can contact me at
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Thanks for reading!
P.S. You really are going to love this book, thanks for your patience! 🙂