Industry Creatives Testimonial Update – Chris Gill
Hi All,
I’m writing, what I’d like to consider, is the definitive book for low/no budget indie filmmakers (Atomic Filmmakers). There is a lot of information out there online these days, but you can’t beat the power of a book…
The book that did it for me (and still does) is Robert Rodriguez’s “Rebel Without A Crew”. It follows Robert and Carlos Gallardo through their journey of making and distributing “El Mariachi”.
This book gave me the knowledge, insight and motivation to go and make my first films, and I’d like to think my book can have the same effect on a new generation of filmmakers.
While Robert’s book doesn’t cover all of the topics mine does, it is still the best book on the market for getting stuck into a low budget film – I just think it might have some competition on it’s tail…
I’ve been lucky enough to meet Carlos, who kindly signed my book and has written the foreword for “Hollywood Hates This Book”.
While you’re waiting for my book to hit the shelves, you should consider getting a copy of my bible “Rebel Without A Crew”, it’s phenomenal.
Thanks for reading,